The DCSX has been informed of the joint venture between SinoTech B.V. & PYGG Securities Co. B.V. and the collaboration with other companies within the UNI Group headquartered in Curaçao. The collaboration will focus on enhancing smooth trading capabilities for investors in securities listed on the DCSX.
Mr. Willliam Liu, Managing Director of Sinotech comments:
”After SinoTech lists a company on the DCSX as a tradeable listing successfully, UNI assists existing shareholders and potential investors with entrance to the market and trading of securities via PYGG Securities Co.’s trade portal. SinoTech and UNI are related companies offering IT, business advisory, and consultancy services to their clients globally.
As the first CBCS (Central Bank) non-bank licensed broker in Curaçao, PYGG Securities Co. became active in the Chinese market together with SinoTech and UNI. In addition, PYGG B.V. is also a licensed trust institution supervised by the CBCS. We aim to build the friendship bridge between the Kingdom of the Netherlands including the Dutch Caribbean and China, by positioning the first local brand in Curaçao, which is perpendicular to providing integrated financial services for the Chinese market, including trust, listing, brokerage, and family office services.”
The collaboration between SinoTech, UNI Group, and the PYGG companies will contribute to the attractiveness of the DCSX as a preferred listing and trading securities facility.